Jewelry Tips That Everyone Should Know About |
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Jewelry Tips That Everyone Should Know About


For thousands of years, people have used jewelry to adorn themselves, express powerful sentiments, and create a strong and memorable image for themselves. From the cheapest baubles to the most expensive and luxurious diamonds, gold, and jewels, a single piece of jewelry can make a major statement that cannot be avoided. These informative tips will leave you with a new appreciation of jewelry.

Make sure you don’t wear your fine jewelry all of the time. When you are performing housekeeping tasks or washing your hands with soapy water, remove your jewelry. Swimming in a pool is another great reason for you to remove your fine jewelry to keep it safe. Everyday harsh chemicals can severely damage fine jewelry, sometimes ruining it beyond repair.

If wearing earrings makes your ears feel itchy or irritated, ensure that you buy nickel-free jewelry in the future. Nickel is often used in inexpensive costume jewelry, but it can be very irritating to some people. Look for earrings with solid gold or platinum posts for the most hypoallergenic option.

Don’t buy novelty jewelry unless you know for sure that the person you’re buying it for will like it. If your wife is a fan of Sleeping Beauty, then a dwarf pendant is an appropriate gift. Don’t just buy an item of jewelry because it’s cute, make sure it’s appropriate, too.

When making jewelry and you want to turn a bead into a linked piece, take an eye pin and thread it through the bead’s hole. Let the bead slide to the bottom of the eye pin. Directly above the bead, use your pliers to bend the eye pin approximately 45 degrees. Using wire cutters, trim this to about half an inch in length. Using small round pliers, grasp the tip of the wire and start looping it around the pliers tip. Don’t give up if your eye pin loop is not directly round – practice makes perfect!

If the person you are shopping for is a unique individual, consider choosing a one-of-a-kind piece crafted specifically for them. This will express the time you spent to get their gift just right, just the kind of sentiment you want to show your special friends.

Get everything in writing. If the salesperson tells you that the gem has a warranty, or that it is on sale for a certain price next week, you want to have a record of that. Keeping a detailed written account of whatever information passed between you and the salesperson can help you be on top of any discrepancies that may appear later on.

Try to fix scratches in watch glass before you waste money at a jeweler. Watch faces can easily get scratched by their constant exposure to the elements. To fix this, try rubbing a small amount of your toothpaste into the face of the watch. Use circular motion and see the scratches disappear like magic.

When giving a woman jewelry is it important to be creative when giving it to her. Women love excitement, and if you can find a fun and exciting way to give her the jewelry she may like it even more. She will forever have a story to tell to her friends and family about how sweet and creative you were when you gave her the piece of jewelry.

Avoid spraying your perfume or hairspray after putting your pearls on. Instead, spray first and then put your jewelry on. Pearls are extremely porous and absorb chemicals found in things like hairspray and perfume very easily. Minimize the contact between your pearls and such chemicals to keep them beautiful.

When photographing jewelry to sell it on an auction site or post your newly purchased or gifted jewelry to a social media site, try to use as much natural or day lighting as possible. Using a tripod is also recommended as you will avoid blurring the picture. Jewelry is temperamental when trying to get a good picture because it typically reflects light in ways that will give you poor quality photographs.

When it comes to taking care of your jewelry be sure to not transfer it between a wide range of temperatures in a short amount of time. This is important so that you do not cause stress fractures in your jewelry. Metals naturally expand with temperature change, however damage can occur if the change happens quickly.

If you get dirt inside of all of the little areas on a piece of jewelry they can be very hard to clean. The best thing to do is to heat it in a glass dish of soap and water on the stove and then brush it clean with a toothbrush. Make sure you do not let the soapy mixture come to a boil because it can cause damage.

Sterling silver is a porous metal that oxidizes when it comes in contact with oxygen. To keep your silver jewelry looking clean and shiny, wipe any dirt or other substances off with a warm, damp cloth. Dry it thoroughly and polish with a polishing cloth to restore its natural luster and shine.

When buying gemstones, look for synthetic, rather than imitation. Imitations gems are just colored pieces of glass. In time, the color will chip and fade because they are not made to last. Synthetic gemstones are real gemstones, they are just grown inside a laboratory. They can be a more affordable option than natural gemstones too, and just as attractive.

As if anyone really needed any more reason to admire and cherish gorgeous rings, necklaces, and bracelets, the tips you have just read are only a tiny sampling of the joys and pleasures associated with wearing, buying, and even making jewelry. With this information, you will find that each piece takes on a whole new meaning.

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